You need a Small Business CFO – And Yes, You Can Afford It!

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You Need a Small Business CFO – and yes, you can afford it!

Without a strong financial foundation, your company wouldn’t exist and might not last. Yet many business owners do not invest in critical strategic financial planning. Hiring a Small Business CFO can give you a leg up when starting a profitable business.

Sure, you understand your company better than anyone else. And perhaps you’ve been successful thus far in handling your own billing, accounts payable/receivable, and more.
However, there comes a time when you will not have the tools to effectively
handle the next business challenge without a long-term, strategic understanding
of your finances.

That’s why a Chief Financial Officer is a key hire.  A Small Business CFO can help:

  • Raise capital, build credibility, and liaise with investors.
  • Proactively reduce financial risks.
  • Accurately forecast growth and cash-flows.
  • Define goals, enhance ROI, and improve margins.

In addition, Small Business CFOs are crucial resources for overall accounting, financial and tax reporting; recommendations on mergers and acquisitions; managing payroll; and leadership
of finance teams. Small and medium businesses and nonprofits benefit not only from
this tactical expertise, but also from having a strategic partner and advisor
devoted to the strategic growth of the organization’s.

Unfortunately, for many small to medium-sized businesses, a full-time CFO would be prohibitively expensive. The salary alone is high, and there is also overhead, and the time
and money spent vetting prospects. Luckily, there is an efficient and
affordable solution!

The Solution? Small Business CFO services NOW, when you need them!

Outsourced, interim or Small Business CFO services are the key ingredient for savvy business and nonprofit leaders who want to take their organization to the next level. In today’s
crowded market, the businesses with a strategic understanding of revenues, profitability,
and forecasting rise to the top.

Don’t just take our word for it; hear from a long-term satisfied client:

“It is so important for small, growing businesses to have access to high level financial expertise at all stages of growth. The outsourced CFO model offered the value and flexibility we needed; while allowing us, at our own pace, to grow to the next level of hiring a full-time CFO.”

– Alan Tarter of Tarter Krinsky & Drogin, LLP

Some organizations engage Small Business CFO services during a period of rapid growth or in
particularly turbulent times, while others benefit from experienced professionals on a long-term basis until a full-time CFO can be brought in-house.

Regardless, your time is valuable; so, spend it doing do you do best – leading your business. Let our experienced Small Business CFOs handle the finances.

Learn how Small Business CFO services can be an affordable, efficient and effective solution for your business. Contact us or give us a call at 646-849-4267 or fill out the contact form below

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